Friday, November 17, 2017

Fight Like a Girl

I’ve been struggling to lose weight because I have PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome). I had no idea why I gained weight rapidly, but I didn’t get checked. But earlier this year, I decided to finally go see a doctor about it and that’s when I found out about PCOS. The gynaecologist said it will be hard to lose weight, but I have to try harder.

The last couple of months was hard for me. I tried different methods to lose weight, but I just can’t. I was frustrated. Then I realized maybe I should try to move more, after all, it was one of my goals for this year. So I started to walk more, I try to get up and stretch every hour or so, and then I learned to control my food intake. I don’t deprive myself as much as possible, but I’ve learned to control how much I can eat.

I weigh myself once a week to keep track of my progress. In the last two months, I’ve only lost 2 pounds despite all the effort and control. It’s just so hard and frustrating… but even though things are moving rather slow, I’m happy that I get to wear some of my old clothes now.

Whenever I look at myself in the mirror, I noticed that my face and belly got smaller. My family noticed that also. And I am happy because even though the weighing scale is saying the opposite, my body is showing progress. That makes me more motivated to be active.

I actually want to climb a mountain but it sucks going alone. No one of my friends is willing to go with me.

But yes, I am happy with my progress, and that’s what matters.

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