Friday, April 21, 2017

The Little Changes

It's been a month now since I started to slowly cut off drinking soft drinks (or soda) and started drinking more water. Oh how I love the changes that I noticed in my body.

Before, I can only drink a glass or two of water in one whole day and that's it, but I can drink a liter or two of soft drinks and it feels so refreshing back then.

Because of drinking too much soda, I gained weight rapidly. There's no one to blame but me. Whenever I say "okay, I won't drink any soda today" but when someone actually hands me a glass of cold soft drinks, I willingly accept it.

Like I said, soda is one of the many reasons why I gained weight and not only that, it caused me some other problems too. I showed signs of diabetes and taking in too much sugar from these drinks made my PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) worst. With PCOS, losing weight is almost impossible. It's possible actually, but it's so slow that it is almost impossible. It requires a huge amount of consistency and patience.

So yes, I started drinking water more. I see to it that I drink at least eight glasses of water in a day or sometimes, more. If before, I couldn't say no to sodas, now I can actually say a big NO to anyone offering me a drink. I always have a bottle of water with me when I go somewhere.

Since I started drinking more water and less soft drinks, I feel like my face got smoother and I have lesser acne breakouts now. Acne are pretty common for women with PCOS. My skin looks clearer plus, I have more energy  now. I always feel full now unlike before, I was always hungry. My weight is still the same though, but the changes that I have noticed makes me really happy. I intend to totally remove drinking soda in my system and be a healthy person again. Consistency is the key!

Soda tasted so different when I started consuming more water. It doesn't taste great for me anymore.

I may not see the results right away, but it's okay. We always start with one little step, and getting rid of what's bad is a great step!

I am very forgetful. There are times I forget to drink water, especially when I'm out and busy assisting my guests (if you don't know, I'm a tour guide). I have this great app that reminds me to drink a glass of water on time.

Water Drink Reminder is a simple but great app, plus it's totally free. It reminds me to drink my water every time. I am very thankful I found it! :)

To my readers, please drink more water. Your body needs it. Let's stay hydrated and healthy!

DISCLAIMER: I am in no way paid by Leap Fitness Group (the creator of the app). I am just very happy on how it helped me that I wanted to share my experience here in my blog.

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